Community Judges

Our student competitors, parents, coaches, and tournament staff are grateful for your assistance, because we need you!  Tournaments require help from a significant number of adults in our community who are willing to watch, listen, and provide written feedback to our students.  We encourage you to judge for one or more rounds of competition at whatever tournaments will work for you.

As a Community Judge, you will be provided with all the necessary training, as well as snacks and meals during the tournament hours.  In turn, you will listen to and evaluate a variety of student speakers in the forensic events you choose, then provide constructive written feedback on ballots you turn in at the end of each round.

Judges consistently tell us how thought-provoking, informative, entertaining, and uplifting they have found the time they spent judging, and we hope you will come join us for an enjoyable oratorical adventure!

No previous experience is necessary; anyone who has completed high school and is at least 18 years of age is welcome to be a judge. That’s all there is to it! We appreciate the hours you are giving to us, and look forward to seeing you at the tournaments!

Our students will strive to make your visit enjoyable and memorable, and our staff are ready to provide you with an easy and pleasant experience!  Your investment of hours yields high dividends in our students by helping them become articulate, persuasive, and winsome in their speaking ~ skills that will last them for a lifetime!


To register to judge a tournament, click on the link for a tournament and see the “Judge Registration” menu.